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Garden Guides

Garden Guides, Your Guide to Everything Gardening
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Whether you are new to gardening, or a seasoned gardening pro, Garden Guides has everything you need. For more than eight years, Garden Guides has been a leader in online gardening information, providing thousands of pages of detailed and extensive information on plants, pests, gardening tips & techniques, gardening recipes, seeds & bulbs, gardening books, nurseries & landscapers, and much more.
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Use our garden forums to discuss any and all aspects of gardening, from when to plant your bulbs, to dealing with garden pests, to what to cook with your home grown vegetables and fruits, and more.
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Garden Plants
Visit our Plants database to find extensive information on a wide variety of garden plants.
Flowers, Herbs, Fruit & Vegetables
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Garden How-Tos
Garden Guides gives you all the gardening tips, techniques & tricks to help your green thumb improve.
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Garden Pests
Find information on the control and management of many types of garden pests, including insects (bugs), diseases, and more.
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Garden Pest Tips
Garden Resources
Listings of more than 20,000 nurseries and landscapers located throughout the United States.
Garden & Plant Nurseries
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Garden Supplies
In depth information on more than 750 seeds & bulbs, more than 450 gardening books & pamphlets, and listings of more than 2000 seed & bulb retailers.
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